Improve the named user seat count

  • Live

DNA Behavior

Each account comes with 1 named user license. This makes the subscription page confusing because when a new account is created, it shows 1 of 0 uses. This PBI is to make the named user seat count for subscriptions more clear by having the default value to be "of 1". Therefore, when users add new users seats to Chargify, this number increases the user count by +1.

For example:
If a new account has 0 additional advisors in components, the value would be 1 of 1.
If the account then added an additional advisor seat, this value would then increase to 2, 1+1 = 2.

There is no change to the staff user seat count.


Activity Newest / Oldest


DNA Behavior

Status changed to: Live


DNA Behavior

See attached for an example screenshot:


DNA Behavior

Status changed to: Planned