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For the Discovery experience, add the 10 Unique Style pie chart for participant viewing. Additionally, this could be added to a...
So many of us are used to the 10 styles graph that has Influencer on top and then moves around with the styles more relational...
Whenever I get an alert email that someone has self-registered or completed a profile, I have to log onto the system, pull up...
I would like to request a modification to the Team Report feature. Currently, it is only available for teams of 3 or more...
Add the 2 strongest factors to the Work Talents Report
This is a request to add Gene AI, so it is available on discovery.dnabehavior.com.
It would be great if the named users had the ability to turn off or change the way the reminder emails are sent to...
5 scores that appear on the work talents toggle for the named user that show how the individual deals with finances. This is a...
As it is, showing us who is concerned by percentage does nothing to actually identify who we should reach out to. We need a...
Add a feature where team reports can be saved and updated later. (requested by Rosemary Murphy Columbia Threadneedle)